ENG | I got banned/gagged, what to do?
If you think that your ban/gag/mute is unjust or too harsh, then you can appeal it through a ticket.
Please know that:
- You need to prove why was your punishment unjust or too harsh. You may need to hold evidence (image, video, etc.) to justify your point.
- Fill out as much fields on the form as you can.
IMPORTANT! If your request is rejected/invalidated then you have one last chance to get your punishment lifted: You can write a request/ticket to the Owner at "Reach the Owner", but you can only do that if your punishment:
- Wasn't issued by a Serveradmin or the Owner itself;
- Duration is equal or longer than 7 days;
- Was already appealed and got rejected.
In your ticket addressed to the Owner, you need to specify (only which is relevant in your case): your nickname, rejected Ticket ID of the appeal, reason of the punishment, admin which issued the punishment, is it a ban or a gag/mute, your reasoning and (may) evidence, and your AccountID, SteamID, IP, UniqueID (TS), UserID (DC).
If this request is rejected too, then your punishment is final.